Discussion 討論 #10: Your Favorite City 你最喜歡的城市
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Describe your favorite city in Taiwan or abroad.  Why is it your favorite city?  Use the vocabularies on P. 90 to describe the city with two adjectives. What's the weather like today?  What's the temperature there right now?  (Write three to five complete sentences.)
描述你最愛的都市,台灣或國外的都可以。為什麼它是你最愛的都市? 使用課本第90頁的兩個形容詞來描述這個都市。今天的天氣如何? 溫度如何?寫出三到五句完整的英文句子。
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My favorite city is Venice, Italy.  It's my favorite city because I love taking ferries to commute from island to island.  I think it's a romantic and lovely city.   The weather there right now is perfect.  It's sunny and warm.  It's about 18 degrees.