(12/6) Unit 4: Whose Phone is This? 這是誰的手機呢?(Personal Belongings 私人用品) (Google Meet 同步)
課程安排:(P.42) 4.1: Vocabulary 單字:Personal Belongings 私人用品
(P.42) 4.1: Forum 討論區:Three Personal Belongings and Their Functions 舉例三樣私人用品及其功能
(P.42) 4.1: Grammar 文法:Possessive Adjectives 所有格(形容詞)及Posessive Pronouns 所有格代名詞
(P.133) 4.1: Grammar 文法練習:Possessive Adjectives 所有格及Posessive Pronouns 所有格代名詞
(P.44) 4.2: Vocabulary 單字:Verbs 動詞(find/ lose 找尋及遺失, give/ take 給予/索取, borrow/ lend 借個別人/向別人借)
Online Discussion 討論議題:What items do you bring to class with you?List at least three items and what you use them for.  平常來上課你會帶哪些物品?請列出三樣及這些物品的原因。For example:I usually bring a water bottle with me to class because I use it to drink water. 
請在班級的LINE群組討論!(1)回答上方的議題及(2)回覆另外一位同學的意見及方法。最晚12/10(五): 9PM前po文留言!(盡可能用簡單的英文句子或是單字作答!)
點名方式: Jamboard 留下學號及 姓名!