1/3 (一): Final Report 期末報告 8-10AM (實體教室上課 A311/ 1小時40分鐘)) (佔英文總分的20%) 

Group Mission: Imagine that your group is selling one type of new electronic device to your classmates.  Describe it.  What does it look like?  What shape is it? How much does it weigh?  What colors does it come it? What functions does it have? How is it different from other electronic devices on the market with the same functions?  Why is it a must-buy item?  How much does it cost? Does your company offer any kind of promotion or discounts?  Tell me more.  (15-20 sentences)  Everyone will take turns presenting (/speaking) on stage.  Include a visual, an original poster or drawing. Please be creative!

團隊任務:你們是個團隊,目標就是販賣一樣剛上市的電子產品。首先描述你的產品。它的外貌,形狀,重量及出的顏色。它有什麼樣的功能。它跟市場上同功能的產品有何不用? 為什麼一定要購買?它有什麼魅力使得消費者必須購買?它的價位多少?你們公司有什麼促銷方案及優惠嗎?(內容大約15-20句)。當天每組都會上台,然後每個人輪流做口頭報告。每組也要設計一個宣傳海報(紙本或是電子檔都可以)。請盡情發揮你們的創意!期末報告當天是準備好的狀態,課堂沒有多餘的時間讓小組準備!