11/1(一):Online English Midterm 線上期中考 9:00-10:00AM
考試範圍:Units 1-3
(1) Vocabulary 單字: (P.6, P.10) Jobs & Job Duties 職業 , (P. 8) Commute 通勤 B, (P.18) Family and Adjectives 家人及描述個性的形容詞 , (P.20) Appearances 外貌, (P. 22) Skills and Abilities 才藝及技能, (P. 36) Household Chores家事, (P.32) Movie Genres 電影種類
(2) Grammar 文法: Present Tense 現在式: (P. 6, P. 125 Be-動詞), (P. 8,126 Regular Verb 一般動詞), (P.10, P.127 Questions 問句) 及
(P. 18,128) Who/ What 問句, (P.20, P.129) Be-動詞 & have 動詞描述外貌特徵, (P.22,130) Can for Ability 能力, (P.30, 131) 現在進行式 
(3) Reading 閱讀: (P.7) Conversation 對話:Self-Introduction 自我介紹,  (P.11) Conversation 對話:Jobs 工作, (P.12-13) Super Commuters 超級遠距通勤者及Questions A-C,  (P.19) Conversation 對話:Family Photo 家庭照片, (P.23)  Conversation 對話:Skills and Abilities 才藝及技能,  (P.24-P.25) An Unusual Family Business 罕見的家庭企業及Questions A-C,  (P.31) Conversation 對話:Household Chores 家事


